Whilst cardio based exercise, so any activity that increases your heart rate for a sustained period of time, is important for the health of your heart and blood vessels, weight training is important for other reasons: for muscle tone, strength and bone health. The latter can be improved via weight training as sometimes joint problems are due to weak muscles not sufficiently supporting the joint, for example knee pain/discomfort could be caused by weak glutes. If you can incorporate an hour of weight training a week into your usual exercise your body will thank you for it and the accompanying increase in strength and muscle tone is never a bad thing.
Introduction to Weight Training

- It improves body composition
Whether you want to lose body fat to just look better or you are consciously looking after your health, resistance training will improve this faster than any other type of exercise. When people begin a weight lifting program, their bodies adapt to it by increasing muscle. This can be wherever you choose, so guys may wish to focus on their upper body, and girls on lower/glute area if preferred; it gives you amazing athletic shape, but that's not all"¦
...this extra muscle directly increases a person`s metabolic rate and with that how much body fat your body burns daily, so lifting weights can actually support weight loss and help you drop dress/jeans size too. - It makes you strong
My favourite benefit of strength training is actually how strong and empowering it can make somebody. I have seen many people with lower back pain, runner`s knee and all sorts of injuries caused by weakness in the body. After a period of time training these clients and getting them to strengthen every muscle, they suddenly stand upright without pain and can go back to running now safe in the knowledge that their muscles and tendons in the problem area are strong enough to do so. Not only strong in body but strong in mind too. The way I see people's confidence skyrocket when they actually learn how much their body is capable of lifting is amazing! Day to day chores that previously seemed unachievable will become much easier and less of a daily struggle.
3. It keeps you living longer
Possibly the least sexy point, left until last, but no argument about it being the most important! Lifting weights increases the chances of staying alive longer than somebody who doesn't. Once you reach your 50's and beyond, strength training is critical to preserving the ability to perform the most ordinary daily living activities, and to maintain an active and independent lifestyle. Lifting weights helps illnesses such as osteoporosis and brittle bone disease, not only this but it has even been shown directly in one study that the more muscle mass you carry on your body the longer you live!
If you feel ready to get started read my next article on Getting to Grips with Weight Training.
Mark Ross
Personal trainer and physique coach